Dancing, people and money
February 11.
After the conversation, I quickly ran away (I really was time to go), and a lot of thought, while walking to the subway. And when down, opened the book and suddenly read this:
Why should we put up with their cattle kalibanstvom? Why is alive, creative, kind and decent people painfully back down to the formless gray mass, zapolonyayuschey world?
In the current situation, I have - the typical representative of the few.
martyr. The captive, deprived of opportunities to grow, evolve. At the mercy of this embodiment of eternal resentment, bent under the millstones hatred and malicious envy, this personification of the World kalibanizma. Because that all the Caliban of the world hate us because they do not like us. Caliban haunt us, displace, send a bomb to destruction, mock, laugh over us, we yawn in the face, close eyes and ears to just ignore us, do not show - even accidentally - respect, while we are alive. But grovel the greatest of us when we die. Willing to pay tens, hundreds of thousands for a painting by Van Gogh or Modigliani, who in life after spat. Cackle. Released rude jokes about the same pictures.
hate ignorance and lack of education. Pomposity and hypocrisy. Anger and envy. Grouchiness, baseness and pettiness. All the ordinary small fellows, who are not ashamed of their mediocrity, kosneyut in ignorance and dullness. I hate those CH.V. calls "the new people ", these nouveaux riches, upstarts with their cars, money, Telecom; hate them stupid vulgarity and groveling before the old bourgeois families and a slavish desire to imitate them.
I like honesty, love of freedom, the desire to give. Creation and creativity. Life excitedly. I love everything that is opposite passive nablyudatelstvu, imitation, necrosis of the soul.
exactly this topic. Fingered in the memory conversation - and throws in a shiver of how it wildly. I do not promise, I have not promised anything, we have nothing agreed, but no longer want.
But in the beginning of the conversation was a good phrase. AN said that it costs nothing to show the people a couple of movements, which then will be a great success in discos, but she is not interested. She needs people who are really interested in dance who want to better understand it. And like here it is, a common language. And like we agree. Of course, we agree. They want, I want to - just specify a couple of moments and to-morrow in the battle. None. Sooner relaxed. Not that it's not that.
eve read their site and drew attention to one sentence. Asked K. waved his hand: no, says it's not true, they wrote it just to attract customers, in fact it is not so.
Absolutely can not stand lies. There are some weak spot - did not mention it at all, tell me instead of strengths. Or write some general vague phrase. You can even make text of common phrases. But do not lie. You can not lie. Never anyone. And in conversation, too. You can not dissemble, change the subject, ignore the issue, but you can not lie. You can not! Never!
There is no guarantee that this phrase - the only lie. While I believe the best. I try not to think about it. In the end, it's just one phrase in the text, which few people will get a grasp. Forgotten focus on the essence.
So, the beginning of the conversation seemed to be encouraging. We discuss how they see the developments and as I see it. Ideally I would like to order something, but in practice will not, because everything depends on the students. Typed group, will go to - well. There were not in general, or fall apart on the way - bad. Guarantees, as always, no. Neither I, nor they have. Hence, the basic version - the second.
They ask me how I'm getting now (then to ask how I would get from them). I honestly call number. They make round eyes: Why are so few, if elsewhere take much longer?
This speculators. They demand money. Prices are set so as to get as much money. Terrible approach! This same creativity, rather than production. You can not measure the beauty of money, this is barbarism.
For me the important people. Price set so that the man was not sorry to leave with this sum. They are important, how will a teacher, but to me it is important to spend as a student. They ask: How do I know that people are not willing to pay more? Like, one day once, somewhere, they raised the price twice and it did not affect the attendance. If this is the Rockefeller children, then yes, the fact, of course, all the same. How much, much parents and get paid. But around me the other social strata. Maybe a little more these people will pull, but certainly not twice.
I told them, of course, told all the details otherwise they would have passed me in the loony bin. For example, one person does not pay for lessons, because he had no money. You can, of course, do not let him, but what's the point? Me that will be better from what he would not go? On the contrary, a good man will be less. Some simply forget to pay - so they then apologize and bring the money. In the world of moneymakers such a situation is impossible in principle. Barrier at the entrance gate at the exit, and that no mouse has not slipped without paying. Gendarmes.
They ask, why am I so low commend their efforts. I say that there is a take a little more, and there the teacher is clearly better than me. They ask than he better than me. Questioned the whole team and all the same team of goggles from time to time.
No, I understand that self-esteem should be high, but they is not talking about self-esteem, as such, and tends towards that and I owe a lot to ask. Well and about what it would be very few people can afford, of course, nobody thinks. Inhumane approach.
We're talking half an hour, and the conversation always revolves around money. From time to time turns to the side, but always again returns.
If suddenly the crowd was willing to, you could set sky-high prices, to tear to the maximum with the Rockefeller children, earn for food, and then calmly deal with those who really wants the money for an adequate (or even for nothing). But the crowd still there.
disgusting all these cases.
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